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Customize data grids

Toolpad is built to allow extensibility as a first-class citizen.

Default behavior

By default, you can connect any JSON data to a Toolpad data grid and it will attempt to guess each column's type display it appropriately:

Data grid with data

The default data grid showing multiple data types

Customizing cell rendering

However, if the default column options are not sufficient, Toolpad allows you to customize your data grid with custom components, using the powerful features of the MUI X Data Grid.

Creating a custom component

Suppose we want to display only the first eight characters of the Order ID in a <Chip>, and show the full text on hover, in a <Tooltip>.

We'll create a custom component to achieve this.

A custom component that renders inside the data grid receives a params object as a prop, containing the following values:

  • value : the value of the specific cell
  • row: the value of the entire row
  • field: the name of the field for that specific column

Using the value prop, we can create a custom component like the following:

import * as React from 'react';
import Chip from '@mui/material/Chip';
import Tooltip from '@mui/material/Tooltip';
import { createComponent } from '@mui/toolpad/browser';

export interface OrderIdChipProps {
  value: string;

function OrderIdChip({ value }: OrderIdChipProps) {
  return (
    <Tooltip title={value}>
      <Chip label={value.slice(0, 7)} />

export default createComponent(OrderIdChip, {
  argTypes: {
    value: {
      type: 'string',
      default: '',

The OrderIdChip component should appear in our component library on saving:

Configuring custom components in the data grid

  1. Select the data grid and choose the columns property in the inspector:
Customize data grid columns

The columns editor

  1. Choose Order ID and change its type to be codeComponent:
Code component column

Setting the column type

  1. Choose the OrderIdChip column in the select menu for custom component:
Custom component selector

Choosing the custom component we created

  1. That's it! We have the desired functionality:
Custom chip inside data grid

Using our custom component in the data grid