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Delete a data grid row

You can add a delete functionality to the data grid in minutes.

We can add a delete button to a data grid connected to any REST API, like so:

Data grid with delete

A data grid with a Delete button

Adding a delete query

  1. First, we must add a query to delete a row. For this example, we're using an API which allows sending DELETE requests to /customers/id, so we can go ahead with creating an HTTP Request query.
Adding an HTTP Request query

Adding an HTTP Request query

  1. Since this is a destructive action, it's important that we set the mode of this query to manual. Select Only fetch on manual action in the mode menu.

  2. To add the id in the request URL, we can add an id parameter to the query and bind it to the following JavaScript expression:


    dataGrid.selection contains the selected row on runtime, and the 'ID' field contains the id needed to be passed in the endpoint

  3. We can then bind the request URL to the following JavaScript expression:


    where <API-BASE-URL> is the base path of our API.

  4. That's it for configuring the delete query:

Delete query

The delete query

Calling the delete query

  1. Add a Button, label it as "Delete Order" and open the binding editor for its onClick event.

  2. Call the delete query on this event using the following JavaScript expression action:;

Adding a refresh button

  1. We want to be able to refresh our orders data once we've performed our delete operation.

  2. Assuming that we have a getOrders query which fetches the orders, create another Button labelled "Refresh"

  3. We can re-fetch queries set to automatic mode through a refetch function available on each query object set to the automatic mode.

  4. Bind the onClick event of the Refresh button to the following JavaScript expression action:


Configure loading states (Optional)

  1. If we want to show some feedback to our users when a query is running, we can bind the isLoading and isFetching states of our queries to the loading props of our buttons. For example,
Delete button loading state binding

Binding the loading prop of the delete button

  1. This adds a loading state to the button whenever the query is running.

Delete button loading state

The delete button in a loading state

Wrapping up

If all went well, this is how our app should behave:

Delete row

The delete row operation in effect