API docs for the Toolpad Text component.
The Text component lets you display text. Text can be rendered in multiple forms: plain, as a link, or as markdown. It's rendered using MUI Typography.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mode | string | "text" | Defines how the content is rendered. Either as plain text, markdown, or as a link. |
value | string | "text" | The text content. |
href | string | "about:blank" | The url that is being linked. |
variant | string | "body1" | The MaterialĀ UI typography variant that is used to display the text. |
loading | boolean | false | Displays a loading animation instead of the text. Can be used when the content is not available yet. |
sx | object | The sx prop is used for defining custom styles that have access to the theme. All MUI System properties are available via the sx prop. In addition, the sx prop allows you to specify any other CSS rules you may need. |