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Schema reference

An exhaustive reference for the Toolpad file formats.


These are the various files supported by toolpad.


Defines the version of this object. Used in determining compatibility between Toolpad "page" objects.
apiVersion: "v1"
Describes the nature of this Toolpad "page" object.
kind: "page"
Defines the shape of this "page" object
spec: object
Serves as a canonical id of the page.
id: string
Title for this page.
title: string
Parameters for the page. These can be set inside of the url query string.
parameters: array of NameStringValuePair
Queries that are used by the page. These will load data when the page opens.
queries: array of object
A name for the query
name: string
Activates or deactivates the query. When deactivated the data won't be loaded when the page opens.
enabled: any of
Parameters to pass to this query.
parameters: array of
A name/value pair.
The name
name: string
The value
value: any of

How to fetch this query.
mode: any of
  • Fetch automatically when the page opens
  • Fetch on manual action only

Query definition
query: any of

Transformation to run on the response
transform: string
Enable the transformation
transformEnabled: boolean
Interval to rerun this query at
refetchInterval: number
Time to cache before refetching
cacheTime: number

The content of the page. This defines the UI.
content: array of Element
The content of the page as JSX. Experimental, do not use!.
unstable_codeFile: string
Display mode of the page. This can also be set at runtime with the toolpad-display query parameter
display: any of
  • Hide the Toolpad chrome and just display the content of the page
  • Show Toolpad header and navigation.


Defines the version of this object. Used in determining compatibility between Toolpad "theme" objects.
apiVersion: "v1"
Describes the nature of this Toolpad "theme" object.
kind: "theme"
Defines the shape of this "theme" object
spec: object
The ThemeOptions object that gets fed into MUI's createTheme function.
options: object


These are shared definitions used throughout Toolpad files.


A binding that evaluates an expression and returns the result.

The expression to be evaluated.
$$jsExpression: string


An environment variable.

The name of an environment variable.
$$env: string


A javascript expression to be executed when this action is triggered.

The code to be executed.
$$jsExpressionAction: string


A navigation from one page to another, optionally passing parameters to the next page.

$$navigationAction: object
The page that is being navigated to
page: string
Parameters to pass when navigating to this page
parameters: object



The instance of a component. Used to build user interfaces in pages.

The component that this element was based on.
component: string
a name for this component, which is used to reference it inside bindings.
name: string
Layout properties for this element.
layout: object
Lays out the element along the horizontal axis.
horizontalAlign: string
Lays out the element along the vertical axis.
verticalAlign: string
The width this element takes up, expressed in terms of columns on the page.
columnSize: number

The children of this element.
children: array of Element
The properties to configure this instance of the component.
props: object


Describes a fragment of Toolpad elements, to be used as a template.

The subtree, that describes the UI to be rendered by the template.
$$template: array of Element


a name/value pair with a string value.

The name
name: string
The value
value: string


A name/value pair where the value is dynamically bindable to strings.

The name
name: string
The value
value: any of


main: string
light: string
dark: string
contrastText: string